1. Mosca, Rachele. What Is a Pattern? | Oppaca.,of%20any%20shape%20and%20size.

2.  A garment consisting of a length of cotton or silk elaborately draped around the body, traditionally worn by women from South Asia.

Fig. I. Patola

Form here is referred to as a pattern. A pattern embodies the recurrence of a visual component. Using a defined scheme, a module is established, capable of endless repetition while maintaining continuity. A key technical attribute of patterns is their uninterrupted quality, rendering them ideal for application on surfaces of varying shapes and sizes. With diverse variations and compositions, their geometric and symmetrical essence, along with the capacity to generate complexity through the repetition of basic elements, renders them distinctly exceptional.1

My home state, Gujarat, India, boasts the renowned textile art form known as “Patola” (Fig. I). My mother owns a Patola sari2 and I am consistently captivated by its abstract, symmetrical, and reversible designs and vibrant color palettes. This ancient weaving technique involves intricate methods where patterns are not simply printed but crafted through weaving with yarn threads that have been pre-dyed to achieve the desired design. Patterns in “Patola” are uniquely pixel-like and geometric. 

Type and typography play integral roles in design, and Adobe InDesign is a popular software choice for handling these elements effectively. I used this tool to create beautiful patterns either from a “question mark” or any glyph from the “Firki” typeface. I had the opportunity to experiment with organic and inorganic elements of designs. My inclination was toward the form that usually have a high volume of symmetry, repetitive glyphs, and uniform shapes. I employed varying point (pt) sizes to compose each pattern, leveraging the subtleties of scale to add depth and complexity to the designs.